As people grow older, the natural aging process, genetic influences, exposure to the sun, smoking and other factors cause the skin to wrinkle and sag. In the younger individual, the face is firm and smooth due to fatty tissue directly beneath the skin. The tissue that fills out the contours of the face gives it an even, rounded appearance. As an individual age the skin begins to sag and to fit more prominent, particularly around the chin, on the jaw line and on the neck. In recent years, a remarkable procedure, rhytidectomy or facelift, has been developed to correct these conditions and give people the youthful appearance they desire. Often this procedure is done in conjunction with other facial cosmetic procedures such as lipo-suctionbrowlift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), chin augmentation.

How is rhytidectomy performed ? The basic facelift is a procedure in which facial and neck skin and muscles are tightened. The surgery can be performed under general anesthesia in which the patient is put to sleep or local anesthesia in which the area is numbed and the patient remains awake.
The surgeon, working on one side at a time, make small incisions inside the hairline at the temple, around the front of the ear to behind the earlobe and up to the scalp.Loose skin is separated from underlying tissue and is pulled up and back, and excess skin is removed. Connective tissue and sagging muscles are tightened, and in some cases, fat deposits are removed from beneath the chin and neck. Tiny sutures are used to close the incisions. Scars from the sutures are, for the most part, inconspicuous, because the incisions are hidden within the hairline and the natural creases around the ears. After sugery, loose bandages are applied to the area. These are removed within a few days.

What can be expected following surgery ? Rhytidectomy has been improved over the past few decades and is considered a very safe as well as successful procedure with relatively few risks involved. Pain is controlled by medication, and skin discoloration, which usually. A tightness or numbness of the treated area may also be present for a while.

What kind of improvement can be expected ? It has been said that a face lift can make an individual look five, even ten years younger, however the amount of improvement varies and depends upon the initial condition of the patient and the extent of surgery. In most cases, a single procedure will achieve the desired results while in others, additional procedures may be indicated. Most patients who have had a facelift have been delighted with their more attractive, younger appearance.

Botox injection

Botox injection When we frown, smile or laugh we contract muscles in our face into folds of skin that form dynamic wrinkles and lines such as ¡°crows feet¡±, forehead lines or ¡°worry lines¡±. Over time, these dynamic wrinkles and lines become deeper and more permanent.
A simple treatment with BOTOX can dramatically soften facial expression lines leaving you looking younger and more refreshed. If dynamic wrinkles make you look older than you are, now there is a way to erase these lines without surgery, scars and recovery time.
BOTOX blocks impulses from the nerve to the tiny facial muscles that are related to expression lines. This relaxes the muscles to stop them contracting, leaving the overlying skin smooth and unwrinkled. BOTOX works only on the specific muscles injected leaving surrounding muscles to function as usual, producing normal facial expression without the wrinkles. You can resume normal activities immediately. Treatment takes around 15 minutes, depending on the number of areas you wish to treat.
Repeated treatments can extend the effect up to one year. The effect of Botulinum Toxin can be enhanced by combining this preparation with other wrinkle-removing methods (such as chemical or laser resurfacing etc.)
– Before the procedure, the patient does not need to undergo any test, so that he / she can be treated instantly. – Following the treatment the client does not need to absent from work and after four hours he / she can perform all common daily activities.
By The final effect client can decide whether he / she is satisfied with this method and will continue with this method and will continue with Botulinum Toxin applications.
1. Crow feet
2. Frown line
3. Forehead line
4. Facial spasm
5. Excess sweating of armpit
6. hoarseness caused by spastic dysphonia,
7. squint
8. migraine headache.


Your face provides the world with a lasting impression of who you are and how you feel. But, it doesn’t have to tell your age.

For many of our patients, the “wind-tunnel” look caused by overly taut skin following a facelift is no longer acceptable. They desire a more “natural looking” rejuvenation. Busy patients demand more immediate results with little if any down time, smaller incision, no visible scars and no potential for hair loss.

The S-Lift is a mini-facelift that provides an overall lift to your neck and the lower third of your face. Compared to a traditional facelift, it is a quicker operation with fewer complications and a much faster recovery. The S-Lift is particularly well suited for middle-aged and younger patients and can make a dramatic change in the way you look by tightening sagging muscles and skin of the cheeks, chin and neck.

An S-Lift is performed using tumescent local anesthesia and may be combined with facial and neck liposuction. Results from your S-Lift can be further enhanced with subsequent laser resurfacing to smooth wrinkles and provide greater skin contraction.

The best candidates for an S-Lift are men and women that:

* are in good health.

* are typically between 30 to 60 years old.

* have mild to moderate lower facial and/or neck laxity.

* have realistic expectations.

* want to stay ahead of the aging process.

How will I look after surgery?

The changes following your S-Lift can be dramatic. The use of smaller instruments and fluid to separate the skin from underlying tissue results in an almost bloodless procedure.

After the procedure, you may go home and rest for at least 24 hours. There may be some minor bruising and swelling for a day or two. You will wear a small bandage over the incision site for the next two to three days. Mild pain relievers may be needed. After that, you may take a shower and wash your hair. Men may shave their face. Sutures will be removed after 6-7 days. Direct sun should be

avoided for several weeks. Most of our S-Life patients resume normal activities after 4 to 5 days, some choose to return to work immediately.

Our S-Lift patients love the fact that after their S-Lift they don’t look like they had surgery. They just look great and years younger.

The procedure

An S-Lift procedure may be performed in your doctor’s office or in an outpatient surgical facility. Pre-medication is generally recommended to relax the patient. An S-Lift is performed using a special anesthetic solution, which is injected in the area forward of the ears. This fluid gently lifts the skin from the underlying tissue.

Operating on one side of your face at a time, your surgeon excises a narrow “S” shaped section of skin from the area forward of your ear. The skin is lifted and the surgeon tightens and repositions the underlying muscles and tissues. Excess fat is removed. The opening is closed using fine sutures. The procedure normally takes less than 2 hours.

What are the benefits of an S-Lift procedure?

* A natural look

* Quicker recovery time

* Minimal complication risk

* Minimal scars

* No hair loss

Are the results permanent?

Following surgery, the normal aging process resumes. Your lifestyle choices, bone structure, skin type, sun exposure and heredity all play a part in determining how many years can be removed by an S-Lift and for how long. In general, younger patients enjoy longer-lasting results.

Is an S-Lift for you?

If your excess or lax facial or neck skin is bothering you, an S-Lift may be your answer.

We can help you decide the best treatment to obtain your desired results.